Technology to bring
people closer togheter
We are the Yoda Group company dedicated to developing innovative solutions designed to improve collaboration and content visualization and evolve business decision-making processes.
Our ongoing commitment to research and development of advanced technologies in Data Visualization and Multi Touch solutions provides the market with advanced products such as THEATER®, distributed globally.
Our solutions for your business
Our solutions are designed to enable our customers to cooperate in a touch space by interacting with content through a simple and intuitive interface.
They enable better process management results in control rooms, executive meeting-rooms, show-rooms, educational classrooms, and anywhere where information is to be shared effectively and intuitively.
Il progetto "Theater Industry 4.0 - Una soluzione di quarta generazione per il supporto alla Lean Manufacturing" è una iniziativa realizzata a valere sul Bando SI4.0 2020 - Contributi per la realizzazione di progetti per la sperimentazione, prototipazione e messa sul mercato di soluzioni, applicazioni, prodotti e servizi innovativi Impresa 4.0